
Cellphone photo 携帯待ち受け画像

Last time, I mentioned the cellphone. I just bought new cellphone after using 4 years. The phone company told me that would not work in a year because of system change and also camera was broken for two years. It would be handy to record some references if I have cellphone camera.

ということで、新しい携帯。カメラばっかり大きい、ごつい携帯だ。仕事上、携帯を持ち歩く必要があるし、メールは便利だし、じゅうぶん活用させてもらってるんだけど、どうにも携帯に執着をもてないのか、ストラップもつけていない、おっさんの携帯のようだ(と人に言われた。ちなみに、私の携帯メールは、絵文字もなく、おっさんのメールのようだと言われる)。そういえば、前に見かねた母が、鈴のストラップを「つけなさい」と、渡してきた事があった。すぐなくしちゃったけど。待ち受け画面も、愛想のない初期設定の、機械模様のまま。 やる気ないなあ、、、
This is my new cellphone. It is radically manly and big because I chose camera function first. I do not put any decoration and it looks the middle aged man's cellphone. I even did not change the photo from the first setting.

This is the last cellphone. I used the photo with baby Haruto-now he is 3 years old. It means I kept using the same photo for three years.

Young couple use their shot together. It might be same feeling of putting the favorite star photo behind the pass card in the last century. I even did not do that when I was in high school. I am that kind of lazy person.

では、 相方さんの待ち受け画面はどうなってるんだろう?気になったので、のぞいてみると、
Then what does he put in his cellphone?

It was the stray cat in my neighbor. This cat is very wild and ignore people. His face expression is quite unfriendly and his fur is dirty. He never comes closer even we called, so the shot was taken from distance. He is staring at the camera in loose pose. Why did he choose this photo? He said that he increase his irritate when he saw this photo. I really do not understand his choice.

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