
Tanabata again 今年も七夕

今年も遠距離恋愛の祭典、七夕がやって来た。さて、去年の七夕には、橋を爆破してみたの だが、その時、突然アメリカの知らない女性からメールが来た。彼女のメールを要約すると、どうやら、別れた元彼の、元浮気相手(彼女にすると、失礼な呼び名なのかもしれないが)で、「彼はひどい人よね」という内容だった。彼女が言い分が正しいかどうか、すでに別れているので確かめられず、それなりにショックだったので、詳細を知りたくなくて、放置した。なにより、「ブログ」というツールが、そういうややこしい相手にも、読まれてると思ったら、書くの がこわくなって、しばらく、休止した(彼女はブログから、私の連絡先を見つけたのだ)
Tanabata again. Last tanabata, I wrote the blog about bombing the bridge between Hikoboshi and Orihime. I received the e-mail from unknow girl in US. She told me that my ex boyfriend cheated on me. I already broke up and I did not want to know any detail anymore, so left it. I felt a little nurvous after that since I got to know some complicated related people also were reading my blog.
A year passed. It was a kind of funny story for me. If it happened in front of me as real drama, it must be too much and I felt so tired. Anyway, over is over. If she is still reading my blog(I do not think so), but I wish she can laugh at this past as funny story.

One day, an airmail came to Orihime

from unknow woman

"Hikoboshi was terrible man. I cried so much." What! Orihime tried to check it. But the bridge was already broken.

Thinking of that, the worse trouble would occur if she got to know when the bridge was there,

and she was caught as a murder. She made her dad very sad

and watching milky way through the window in the jail. Better living now. She was lucky.

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