
Octopus Kiss! タコちゅう(バカップル2)

ドラマSex and the Cityは、ニューヨーク時代の女友達、みんな大好きで、よく、エピソードを引用する。私達の間で、キャリーの歴代ボーイフレンドで、もっとも評判が悪いのはライターのバーガーだ。気難しくて、面倒な男で、ミランダ達に、「合わないんじゃない。やめたら?」と言われる。その時、キャリーが彼を擁護して、「でも、いろいろ、いい所もあるのよ。ほら、フレンチキスとか、私達だけの楽しみも作ってくれたし、、、」と言っていた。
We, all my girlfriends in NY loved SATC. We talked about it and we agreed that the worst boyfriend of Carrie, the main character of the SATC, was Burger. He was difficult man. Anyway, there is the episode that Carrie tried to say good things about him to friends, and she said, "Well, he has good point, for example, he made up French Kiss,,,"

What she called French Kiss was the original kiss that he invested. It was like dancing and caught people's eyes when they did it in front of the court. Anyway, as for Carrie's word, the original meant something for the couple.

On the other day, we were watching the news about World Cup. I hit an idea! Related to the hottest ocopus, Pawl,

I made up "Octopus Kiss!" Well, it is not sophisticated originality? It reminds me the kiss of the old comic-a kind of Nostargia. Why don't you try it?

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