
Observer 傍観者

I was talking with my friend who got married recently over the phone and she said, "Well, we dated for a while and I did not remember when was the border to be lovers." I was so surprised because I remembered all the details of the time.
we were on the bus returning to NY from spa in NJ. My friend and her present husband sat next each other. The guy suddenly talked to me, "Kae, this chick is kinky. She asked me to come to her apartment after this." and the girl blushed and "just to watch the movie!" I pointed her that she herself asked him for a night very directly. She laughed,"Oh, really?" They had been together after that, and everyday the things have been updated, then they forgot many things, and remembered some past in the wrong way.

ある友人が、「女友達の彼氏の、ほとんどが気に入らない」と断言してました。He is not good enough for my friendてね。女友達というのは、情報だけ入ってきます。当の本人は愛情があるから許せるような、ワガママ、問題、不健康な関係性、甘え、なんかを冷静に、愛情のフィルターを通さず見ると、絶対許せないものです。その上、自分は友人には愛情を持っている訳で、守ってあげなきゃ的な気持ちになったりして、、、でも、案外、本人達、ケロッとしてたりして。傍観者から見ると、いつも、恋愛って、不思議なものです。
Another girl friend insisted on that she hated all her girl's friend's boyfriend. "He is not good enough for my friend!" Actually if we got the only information what is going on the couple, it is not acceptable usually. We do not have "love"filter and all the wrong things between couples such as selfishness, trouble, unhealthy relationship, spoil,,,are unbelievable. We, as girl's friends, have feeling we have to protect my friends, but generally the couples are quite fine. The relationship is always mystery from observer's point of view.

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