
giving あたえる愛情

My friend and I watched movie "Western witch died." My friend burst to cry after movie and said, "This girl was too mean and selfish. Grandmother loved her and did so much things, but she separated from her in this way and it became the last meeting..." then she talked about her experience, "I was careless to my grandmother's  love in my law-teen, and one day I had criticized her about way of laundry and next day she was dead in her bed. I am still regretting to let her go with sorrow. She loved me so much..."
I can say that her grandmother did not care at all. I noticed it after I grown-up that matured people have giving love, which they do not need the feed-back. If they are parents, it must be much deeper, and grandparents are so extremely matured and they have pleasant just to give everything. "You could not give directly back to what you got from grandmother since you had separation when you were still immature and you were just receiver. But that's why you could do same thing to your grandchildren when you got older. Love circulates through the generation in this way."

It reminds me "Big Tree" by Silverstein. One of my friend said, "I dislike story. The boy is just receiving and it is not fair." I gave her my opinion, "That is about joy of giving, I think." BIG tree had such a generous. I, still small creature, cannot find big heart in myself yet, but I am looking forward to getting aged to think about the beauty of getting old.

2 件のコメント:

いくこ さんのコメント...





にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...


