
Observe People's background ナッシュビルの人々

I have terrible habit to observe people around me. I think I am simply interested in people.

I found the women in Nashville were good listener than New Yorkers. When they were with men, the men talk more, and the women listen and nod. In New York, usually girls talk.

I found that some tendency of the middle age typical working men shirts. They have more tacks in the shoulder and result in more clothing around the belt.

I look carefully the possession of people. This girl was a little bit "bitchy" type of outfit, talked very aggressive with friend, behaved strange like talking and sighing by herself, but I could see she is serious student of law school of Vanderbilt University.

This is the doctor working at children's hospital(lab coat-doctor. Mark of children's hospital in the left breast) in the lunchtime at the cafe a little far from hospital. Maybe he wants to have break from hospital.

This was the middle aged guy I met the bus stop. I asked him the time, and he recommended the cleaning shop neighbor. He excitedly showed his white leather coat. He got spot, but cleaning shop did perfect job. White leather coat was so important for him! Funny!

My friend said, "it is very dangerous to meet you." I am sorry, people, but I cannot stop.

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