
Day 19 春を描く Draw the spring

We picked some flowers from outside and tried to draw on the same table.
テーブルに並べて、向かい合わせで絵を描くWe faced on each other
ナノカは、何枚か、私を描いてくれたようです Nanoka drew me over the flower
私も、ナノカを描いてみました I drew Nanoka, too.

We are three in my family far from grand parents and relatives.
After all the school was canceled, we were stuck together mostly at home only Nanoka and me.
It was not easy for me. I cannot concentrate on my work when she was at home.
Usually I was devoted on my work all by myself-I do not like working when somebody near me.
So I felt frustrated sometimes, and she also got that feeling from me. I felt sorry.

We were lucky since we lived in countryside and she can go out and have relaxed time playing and walking around. I felt sorry for kids in the cities since they were all stuck at small house isolated from everything.

I am trying to make "fun time with mom" then she could enjoy reading books or watching DVD alone. I cannot stay together all day long doing everything together. So we can do some non-dairy thing one time, then I asked her stay alone doing own work.



仕事がつねに頭にあるけど、子どもがいると気持ちが仕事だけに集中させることが難しく(神経質かもしれませんが、文章も、絵も、人がいる状態だと、没頭できないのです)、 進みません。

この降ってわいた長期間の春休み、どこの家庭でも、多かれ少なかれ、 同じでしょう。

メリハリをつけることで、 子どもは聞き分けがよくなり、親も自分時間が確保させてもらっています。


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