
オシロイバナで絵を描く Draw with flower color

Kids hit "a good idea" at very busy time of the day-after the school before the dinner.
 Nanoka picked some flowers.バスから降りたら、オシロイバナを集めはじめた。
She prepared the tools by herself and started, but found she needed more flowers. She said she would go down to pick but she could not ride the elevator by herself. 夕食の準備があるので、放置。自分で道具を出したが、「もっと、取ってくる」と籠を出し、結局、連れて行かれる。
She started, but asked me how to make it darker, and so on.やり始めると、「色がうすい」というので、水を減らしたり、こぼすとシミになるので、エプロンつけたり、、結局、つきっきり。
There were left over after drawing then we dye some laces. At last mommy had much fun.そして、母も楽しむ。

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