
第6回リトルアーティスト開催 Art Class"Selfportrait"

デューラーの素描を見た後、鏡を手に、顔のパーツを、一つずつ、描いていく。After watching Durer's drawing, they drew each parts of faces.
 鏡を見ながら、描くのは、初めてだったそうで、かなり、難しかったよう(特に、鼻)This was the first time for him to draw from the mirror and he found it difficult, especially nose.
でも、パッと見ただけで、誰の目かわかるほど、しっかり特徴を捉えて、描くことができた。It caught the characters.
輪郭を別紙に描いて、顔のパーツは、それぞれ、切り取る。then cut them into parts.
そして、並べてみる。うん、雰囲気出ている!Then put on face. It looked like him!
こちらも、とても、似ているし、バランスも素晴らしい!This one, too. Balanced well.
The aim of this project is to notice careful watching giving deep discovery. They looked tired after finishing, but it was good approaching.
ちなみに、その横で、この自画像を描いていたナノカ。なんて、自由なヒト。Nanoka just did free self portrait.
細かいパーツの作業が終わった後、全体の雰囲気をザッと見ながら描く、自画像にもチャレンジ。after parts drawing, she did full selfportrait. Seeing background and caught atomosphere.
For the artist, themselves are convenient person who posed anytime. Also drawing themselves are talking with inner of themselves. All the artists draw thousands of drawings.
I hope that kids draw many from now.

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