
Setsubun and Dance 節分ダンス

On Friday, at the nursery school of Nanoka, they had Setsubun event. Teacher told me that they threw the beans(Nanoka was on her back) and they did dance. But Nanoka did not join the dance but just watched what other kids doing.金曜日、ナノカの保育園でも節分をしたそうで、先生からのお便りに、「(アレルギーの用心のため)ナノカちゃんはおぶられて、豆まきをしました。その後のダンスは、黙って、お友達がしているのを見ていました」と書いてあった。
At home I sand several songs wondering what songs they sang there. One song she reacted and I understood that they sang that song. 家に帰ってから、どんなダンスだったんだろう?と、「鬼のパンツ」を歌ったけど、無反応だった。「鬼は外〜♪」と節分の歌を歌ったら、「もう一回!」と顔を輝かせたので、「ふむ、これは歌ったんだな」といろいろ想像してると、、、
Nanoka suddenly posed with her legs bent half way and fell onto her hip to the floor. She repeated several times seriously and smiled at the end. Is it,, dance? ナノカが「フンっ」と中腰になり(両手は前方に突き出している)そして、開脚しながら、尻餅をつく、という事をくり返し始めた。真剣な顔でやって、最後に笑っている。これは、、、ダンス?
And she told me to do the same. It was so difficult because I did not know the original! I just copied her and she asked me to repeat several time,,,Anyway she loved dance, but she could not do in the public, yet...数回繰り返した後に、「ママ!」と、私にやるように、要求してきた。え、オリジナルがわからないのに?ムチャぶり、、、仕方なく、マネをしたら、「もう1回!」なんだか、わからないまま、何度もやらされた(辛かった)先生、ナノカ、ダンス本当は好きなんですよ〜。でも、人前じゃできないんです〜。
Yesterday was Setsubun-spring starts in Old Calender. We exorcise by throwing roasted soy beans saying, "Out with demons, In with fortune," and eat roasted soy beans as many as our ages and so on. It was our February 3rd tradition and many school did the event, too. Nanoka did the same at the school and at home, too. We read the book about Setsubun, ate a handmade Maki roll per person, and threw self roasted beans to exorcise.
 She was a lover of Dance.She dances when she listened to nice songs. So I thought she would enjoy dancing when she started the school, but in fact she did not join the dance but just watched others doing. We guessed that she could not try new outside since she was afraid of making mistakes-Nanoka is a kind of high-pride girl. I tried to raise her to leave her much freedom to challenge. I never make her limitations, but she was naturally careful girl compared with me. Husband said that she would dance at the school when she think she could do perfect after practicing at home. Is it true, Nano?

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