
Mama should be perfect ママは万能で当たり前?

We were walking on the sidewalk of the river on Sunday. Nanoka started to collect stones(artificial reddish one) and handed to me as she picked. Mom's hands are kid's stock. 日曜日、二人で川沿いの遊歩道を散歩していて、ナノカが石を拾いだした。敷石を拾っては(こういう人工的な石がお好きなようだ)私に手渡す。ママの手は、子供の保管場所なのだ。
For a while she was devoted on picking up(so many stones she could find) then suddenly lost balancing and slowly fell onto the ground from her face. My hands were filled with stones and I could not support her in a sudden accident.あんまりにたくさん石があるので(全部一緒じゃん)、夢中になって拾っているうちに、バランスを崩して、ぐら〜っと顔から地面に突っ込んだ。
Nanoka burst to cry of course. She hit me several times calling my name. She thought that it was Mom's responsibilities. Well, ,kids thinks everything is mom's responsibilities.とっさで、両手が石で埋まっていた事もあり、手が出ず(もともと私は反射神経が鈍いのだ)助けられなかった。遊歩道の敷石で、顔に擦り傷ができてしまい、大泣き。「ママ!」と、バンバン叩かれた。転んだのは、(もちろん)私のせいらしい、、、
Soon she said, "ja-"meaning waterfall. She wanted to see the waterfall part of the river and asked me to take there. You had been mad at Mom just now and then another order? But most of mothers would listen to those orders. It is life challenge or religious training or something?しばらく、抱っこで泣いた後、「あっち。じゃー」と指を指す。じゃー、とは川の段差で急に水が流れてる所で、「そこが見たいから、連れて行け」と言っているのだ。さっきまで、ママのせいにして怒ってたのに、今度は次のご注文。でも、たいがいのママは、こういう要求に応えてあげてるもんだ。
Nanoka got fever today again and she was absent from the school.
On weekend, husband went to work, and Nanoka and I spent days together. I found the pram blossom blooming and other spring arrival for the first time. Without her, I was ignorant those sensitive details of nature and so on. Ashamed at myself. However, gradually on Sunday, I became tired of Nanoka's endless demand and at the end, I said, "Wait!" or "Stop. Mom dislike it!" loudly.
Kids are immature creatures who are under developing themselves. They could not do much things yet and need so much help. The grown-ups around them should accept them with tolerant attitude like a mother land until they grown up. But in fact, when the baby was born, mothers were not perfect matured grown-ups. From that time, moms have to deal with taking care of much more immature creatures in conflict of their own immature. We know what is better-don't scold them emotionally, explain with patience, and so on, but so difficult to be a good mother for 24 hours since we were not perfect! I am still trying my "temporary" good mother attitude hoping that I would grow up to be some day.

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