
imaginary divorce, imaginary marriage 妄想離婚 妄想再婚

A had terrible quarrel sometimes. Now they had a boy and A had to stop it even husband's insistence was not acceptable since boy cried so hard between mom and dad.Aは、時々、激しい夫婦ゲンカをする。でも息子が、訳がわかるようになり、間で泣くようになり、歯を食いしばって、収める事もある。
A was so mad that she would think she would divorce if the boy was not born. そうは言っても、怒り心頭。もう、本当に子供いなかったら、絶対に別れてる!ていうか、別れたら、どうなんだろう?
So in imagination, she once divorced. Then she would marry to real one around her. First she think, "Yes, he would treat me better!" but soon she found,"Well, but he would not be friendly to my friends. It is impossible..."そこで、とりあえず離婚した事にして、手頃な男性と再婚した事にしてみる。「うん。Uさんにしよう。Uさんなら、あんな横暴な事はしないし、鼻毛もむしらないわ。よしよし。」しかし、現実にじゃあ、結婚生活を想像し始めると、「いやあ、でも、Uさん、結構うちにこもるタイプだからなあ。せっかくの休みに家でゲームとかしたりして。あー、ムリムリ。Uさん、ムリ」
"So you will think present husband is OK at the end. I will recommend you imaginary divorce!" In addition, she suggested that husband marry to another girl and imagine their fun life. So it will help us to feel regret being divorced before doing that" Is that true?「てな具合に、まあ今の旦那で仕方ないか、て結論にいたれるよ」と、妄想離婚、妄想再婚を勧めてくれた。「さらに高度な技としては、自分が再婚した時に、旦那も再婚してるようにすると、それで『ああ〜、あんな週末にお出かけしたりして、楽しそう。くー、もったいない事した〜」と急に惜しくなったりして、旦那を見直せるよ」とのこと。でも、ある日、惜しくなくなったら、本当に離婚になっちゃうんじゃないかなあ〜。
Most of couples must have more or less quarrels. If it was between friends or lovers, they have more chances to have distance, time break to be cooler, but couples have to face to face and keep every day life even after terrible ones. That made them hate each other and ended up,"I do not want to see his face" "I do not want to talk a word" "I hate him." My friend, A recommend me "imaginary divorce" "imaginary marriage." It was true that we could not find any proper man outside-One can be better than husband in one point, but we can find other points which are not acceptable. Without effort and patience, any marriage would not last long. To remember the first impression that we felt "this is the person!", the imaginary divorce and marriage can be useful.

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