
Spice, herb, and ferment  スパイス ハーブ 発酵

スウェーデン風ミートボール。イチゴジャム(リンゴベリーがないので)添え。Swedish Meat Boll.
チリコンカン。Chili Con Can
ザウアークラウトと、それを使って、ソーセージキャベツ煮込み。Sour Kraut

「スパイス」「ハーブ」を、使いこなせば、結構、いろいろな味が再現できることが、わかった。 見場はともかく、使える調味料が増えて、少し、ランクアップした気分。そして、先月のストレスも、すっきり。
When busy time, I had no time to think about menu. Then I cooked almost same thing every day. Family must get bored, but I was stressed out, too.
After I finished busy month, I decided to challenge new dishes using, spice, herb, and ferment.
In New York, I could eat any food from all over the world. I sometimes miss it and eager to eat them. Here, in Sasebo, the West end of Japan, it is not easy to get. Also I just want to eat them frankly. So I tried to cook them by my self.
I noticed that it is not so difficult to cook most of food by using spice, herb. It is fun!

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