
Perverse? ひねくれナノちゃん

自分の子供と言えど、クローンじゃないので、自分と同じ性格をしている訳ではない。むしろ、全然違う。この子は別個の人間なんだな、としみじみ思う。まず、ナノカは、せっかちだ。私は、小さな頃、保育園で「ゆったり姉ちゃん」というあだ名がついた程、スローでマイペースで、母にいつも、「早くしなさい」と促されていてたのだが、ナノカは、常に母である私を「早くして、ママ!」という感じで、せっついてくる(これが、私には、ストレスなのだが)。Even they were own children, they were not clone, then they had different characters. Nanoka was very different from me. When I was a little, I was called, "Slow sister" by the nursery school teachers, and I was told to harry up all the time by my mom, but Nanoka is so hasty that she always shouted me to harry(it is big pressure on me,,,)
At the beginning, when I had conversation with Nanoka, husband said that she just pretending to answer without thinking, but recently she answered thoughtfully even crying and conversation works perfectly.以前から、私が「今日、パパと出かける?」「車乗る?」と質問すると、ナノカはそれっぽく「うん」と返事をしていたが、その様子を見ていた相方は、「テキトーに返事してるだけだよ。」と評していた。しかし、最近、「保育園行く?」「ううん」「おうちにママといる?」「うん」「パパと車乗る?」「ううん」「じゃ、S田先生にママ、電話する?」「うん」と、完璧に返事ができるようになった。相方も、「会話が成り立っている」と認めた。
Then conversation got more complicated. I asked her if she liked mommy and she answered no with smile. She knew mom would accept any attitude and it convinced her big love. さらに複雑化して、「ナノちゃんは、ママ、好き?」「ううん」「え、嫌いなの?」「うん」という、ひねくれ回答まで、正確に(?)できるようになった。(この会話をしてる時は、なぜか、すごく、うれしそう。どんなに、ひどい事を言っても、受け入れてもらえるっていうので、愛情が確認できるのかなあ)
This morning Nanoka was in a bad mode and she answered all "No!" to all the questions. I offered her a piece of apple and she answered, "No!"さて、今日の朝、機嫌があまりよろしくなく、着替えも、ご飯も、何もかも「イヤ」だと拒否をした。「りんごちゃんは?」と聞いても、「イヤ!」と首を振る。
After finishing dressing, I again offered apple just in case. She grasped. Husband watched through and said, "I totally know how she felt. She was too stubborn to grasp apple first time, but she was already interested. I saw her eyes and knew it!" Well, this is Daddy's side,,,なんとか着替えさせ、準備ができた所で、一応最後にもう一度、「リンゴいる?」と聞くと、ぱっと手を伸ばし受け取った。その様子を見て相方が、「ホントは最初に聞かれた時に、欲しかったんだよな。視線でわかった。でも、「うん」て言えなかったんだよ。すっごい、気持ちわかるよ」と共感していた。いやあ、めんどうくさいなあ〜
 Of course there are some features that she resembled me such as becoming emotional when she did not do well the things as she expected. I asked husband if he thought Nanoka resembled him. He answered yes. He thought, "getting sulky and acting twisted" is their common characters. I heard the episode that he got lost by getting sulky and walking away from parents at the department store when they did not buy toy. He was protected by the sweets shop in the big street. I am afraid that Nanoka would soon be lost at the Yonkacho arcade shopping center.

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