
Fake Ill? 仮病?

Monday morning, Nanoka complained throat pain. She got no fever and I let her go to the school with note about it. Teacher said, "She was fine as usual."
Tuesday monrning, she cried that she did not want to go. This was first time. She asked me breastfeeding when I picked up. It was very strange. Then she told me she was scared in the bus holding me tight. I asked her and she answered, "Nanoka said No." or something. Sounded like that she got something uncomfortable at the school by other kid. It could happen since all small kids played together-somebody rob toys, somebody pushed,,,but still I had believed that she could enjoy playing there. But it could be big issue for her since she was apart from me and she might feel stress there. If she had pretended to be ill on Monday, I had to think about how to deal with.
When we left the school, Nanoka was excited to meet Mai-chan, but she was mean to her when she played with. 保育園で遊びたがったが、「マイちゃん家にいくよ」と言うと、「マイちゃん!」と素直に、帰り支度をした。しかし、マイちゃんの家では、オモチャを3つも独占し、椅子もマイちゃんが触ると「マイちゃん、イヤ!」と言う。ナノさん、もともとマイちゃんのものだし、あんなに遊びたがってたくせに、、、
At the park, she played at the slide happily. She did not care about big boys there since there were two slides there. 公園に行くと、小さな滑り台で、遊び始めた。お兄ちゃんたちが暴れてたが、滑り台が2つあったので、気にする様子もなく、階段→ハンドル→すべりだい、をくり返していた。
One time, she climbed up stairs and found two girls using handle. She came to me and insisted her rights. "Well, Nano, it is for all and you have to share. Why don't you slide first?" but she got angry waiting for handle.ある時、階段を登ると、お姉ちゃんたちが、ハンドルで遊んでいた。「あー」と私に訴えにくる。「ナノちゃん、みんなで使ってるから、順番ね。滑り台、先すべったら?」と言っても、イライラしながら、そこに突っ立っている。
Soon, girls left. Nanoka turned the handle and slided the slide. Big smile looking like that she forgot all trouble before that. Maybe kids don't mind much and even enjoyed troubles in the kids society. しばらくして、お姉ちゃんたちが立ち去ると、さっとハンドルを回して、満面の笑みで、滑り台をすべった。実際、多少トラブってても、集団の中で遊ぶのって、それも込みで、楽しんでるのかもね。
I informed Mrs.Shiota in the notebook. She explained, "Nanoka-chan got older and started to play with other kids. Now she faced on some trouble like taking toys away, pushing etc. She might have stayed up with much and felt shocked. It was first step to tell No. Then she would learn how to deal with others through the experiences in the kids society. We are trying to keep watching, telling them, but they do basically by themselves."
Then she added, "Nanoka-chan shows development of kindness at the same time. We are looking forward to it." I felt relieved to hear that. I am glad that teachers also watched her good development of emotion. This is start of terrible two and sometimes she was harsh to other kids and I felt sorry, but this is one stage of development and I am happy to hear that it was not only me but teacher can see.

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