
at three 3時の保育園

On One sunny day, I found kids lining their faces at the window watching outside chatting. Very cute.ある晴れた日、裏門から入ろうとすると、子供たちが窓に顔を並べて、外を見ながら、おしゃべりしていた。かわいいなあ、、、
At the corner of the passage, there is a reception of kid size. One day I found girls sitting there happily. So cute. 保育園の廊下に、子供サイズの応接セットがあるのだが、ある時、女の子達がちょこんとうれしそうに座っていた。かわいいなあ、、、
When I picked up Nanoka, she waved her hand to everybody to say good-bye. She might have a little superior feeling to others since she is always first to be picked.ちなみに、迎えに行くと、ナノカは毎回、みんなに手を振って回る。いつも最初にお迎えがくるので、優越感を感じてる感もある。ちょっと感じ悪い?
I asked her what she did today. She did not have enough vocabulary to tell me, but she said something. Recently she said, "Kou-chan" and it sounds like boy's name. Boyfriend? 帰り道に「今日何したの?」と聞くと、いろいろ教えてくれるが、ボキャブラリーが少なく、不明瞭なため、よくわからない。でも、最近「こうちゃん」という単語が、やたら出てくるようになった。ボーイフレンドか?(パパ、はやくも危機?)
In Japan, there is the word, "Three years old myth" it means that kids should be taken care of by mother until three. It was old belief but still remains and working mothers feel unsure about leaving kids at the school. I also felt some worry before school starting.
Now after Nanoka started the school, I found Nanoka happy there and I can spent better time with Nanoka since I have time for myself and my work. I did not find anything bad happening by leaving Nanoka during the day.
I want to tell other working moms how happy kids looked during the daytime since they only see tired kids after a day. I could pick up her at three and they are all cheerful and healthy jumping and playing around in the group of kids. It made me always happy to watch. "Don't worry, moms! They are fine!" I want to encourage moms.

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