
table manner テーブルマナー?

Recently Nanoka pour one dish to another-she pour soup into rice and then move it to dish with meat and add water then move everything into cup etc,,,最近、ナノカは自分の食事を、混ぜ合わせる。汁物をご飯にかけ、それをおかずの乗った皿に移し替え、さらにお茶をかけて、最後はコップにスプーンで入れる、、、などだ。
I wondered if I should scold her not to play with food like toy, but she ends up eating. I tried to keep watching since it is a part of learning to eat by herself. Anyway her hands, table, floor and her dress, all got wet and dirty.食べ物をオモチャにするなら、叱るべきか、と思うが、最後に食べたりするので、とりあえず、様子を見る。ああ、今日も、手も、テーブルも、床も、ナノカの服も、グチャグチャだなあ、、、
She also stood up on the chair. It is dangerous and we told her not to do, but she never stopped. She knew she did bad thing, but she was too stubborn to give up. さらに、自分の椅子の上で立ち上がる。これは、危険なので、断固、注意する。でも、意固地になって、辞めない。悪いとわかっていてやっているのだ。
She did not stop for a while and at the end I got mad and said, "Sit down please, otherwise mommy will go out!"あんまりに聞かないので、「こら!そんな風にしてると、ママ、外、出ちゃうからね」と私が言うと、
husband laughed to hear that and said, "Isn't it throwing Nano out? It is meaningless for you to go out." Well,,but Nano is too small to be thrown out for telling discipline,,, 相方に「え、カエちゃんが出てくの?意味ないじゃん。全然、効果ないよ」と笑われた。だって、外に放り出すには、まだ小さいじゃん、、、
It is so stressful to eat at the table accompanied by kids. They grab the food in their hands, making big mess on the table and floor and touched everywhere with dirty hands. They got mad about being bad at use of spoon and throw disliking vegetables and shake hands and push dishes out. But they care one piece of rice on their hands and called mom to remove it. We are so busy.
Nanoka wanted to eat by herself around the age of 1 year old. I let her to do. She held spoon but she could get almost nothing on the spoon-she was still bad at using it. In three months, I found her eating with spoon-it takes a while for kids to gain the abilities. They learn by many mistakes and trials. We need to wait for their development through so many mistakes.
As zoology, human being's emotion of love remains only for 4 years. It means that a man and a woman fall in love with each other and the woman get pregnant, then after birth man support the woman until kids get independent-that is three years old. I believe that kids are made to learn fundamental ability to live-run, eat, etc. I try to keep this in my mind not to disturb Nanoka's trial.
However, I am frustrated so many times by her table manner. She pushed her food into my mouth, asked me to hold her in the middle of meals, pour soup onto my trousers, hitting the table with ceramics and throw out the food from her mouth. Am I doing OK? or wrong? Family discipline is so difficult,,,

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