
Girls 女子

I read through my old emails and essay book before writing article to check some local system of NY. It reminded me the life there and I deeply missed it.
I received an email from high school girl that told me that she was moved by my essay book, "To make my dream come true in NY" It was beautiful and well-written letter. This essay book got some fans of young girls-teenager to 20s who had dream and wishing going abroad to challenge their possibilities on the global basis. I already left NY and now lived in the rural area of Japan bringing up small kid and I felt a little uneasy to hear that the life in the book was their ideal. But I also felt glad that I wrote that if I encourage the young hopeful energetic talented girls.
I am believing that the young should challenge what they want since the experiences including failure in the young become their property for their life. On the other side, I know (I talked with my friend who spent same time in NY) how risky and foolish to be young through our experiences. After becoming Mom, we were not sure we could let my girl go. Still, we have to smile and watch their back to leave us for the world some day. So I just want all the girls to be wise enough to judge themselves to be safe. The world is just open air without any guard. You are the person to protect yourself. Listen to good advices from many people and medias.
Some day Nanoka will be the girl like this, who has big hope and dream, put her eyes outside, and worried a lot. Then somebody will push her to step forward, or some books will give her hint to solve, then she will start walking by herself, as this girl did, as I had done. It was all the girls steps and we had sympathy beyond the generations. I am so glad to have a girl.
私は、若いうちは、エネルギーもあふれ、失敗や苦労でさえも、全部、財産に変える事ができるから、前向きにチャレンジしていくべきだと思う(私自身は、それでよかったと思っている)。一方で、同時期ニューヨークにいた友人とも話していたのだが、いかに自分達が若い頃、おろかで危なっかしかったかも、経験したからこそわかる。母親になった今、自分の子供が大きくなった時に、にっこり笑って、送り出せるかといえば、知っているからこそ、やはり恐ろしい。それでも、いつかは子供の手を放して、送り出してあげなければいけない日が来るのだろう。外へ出ていく女の子達には、いっぱい情報を集め、多くの先達からのアドバイスを聞きながら、賢明に、舵取りをしていって欲しいと思う。 やはり、そこは、未知の、だだっぴろい、「世界」なのだから。身を守るのは、自分の勘であり、そして無事に過ごすのは、自分の責任だから。
いつか、ナノカも、こうして目を外に向け、自分のいろんな可能性と限界を抱えて、いろいろ思い悩む事だろう(そんな時は、親には相談してくれない事もある だろう)。そして、誰かに肩を押してもらったり、何かから勇気をもらったりするのだろう。女子の縦のつながり、ではないけれど、世代を超え、共感するもの が流れている。女の子を産んで、よかったなあ、と思った。

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