
sobbing むせび泣き

I decided to reduce the number of breastfeeding. I explained Nanoka to have breastmilk before sleeping but not during the night since she was not a baby anymore.ナノカも、かなり理解力が出てきたので、おっぱいについても、きちんと説明する事にした。「ねんねのために、おっぱい飲むの、辞めようね。もう赤ちゃんじゃないし、お昼寝でもできてるから、ナノカ、大丈夫だからね」
Then I gave her breastfeeding, brushed her teeth, and read books as much as she wanted and put the light down and told her story,,,it took nearly hour to let her sleep... そして、おっぱいを飲ませ、歯磨きをし、絵本を読みたがるだけ読んであげ、最後は暗くして、お話をしながら、トントンした。おっぱいなら一瞬なのに、寝かしつけに1時間かかった。
 In the middle of the night, she woke up and asked me breastmilk. I said that we promised before sleep. Nanoka gave up, and just touched nipples and started to pinch to try fall asleep.夜中に目を覚まし、おっぱい、と言う。「約束したよね。おっぱいなしでも、がんばれるよ」と言うと、飲むのはあきらめて、おっぱいを触って、落ち着こうとして、もみ始めた。それで眠れるなら、とさせていたが、、、
She kept doing that for hour but she could not sleep...then she started sobbing...I expected that babies cried for milk in a panic, but actually I felt more sorry by her sobbing and gave up stopping. At the end, I gave breastfeeding at that night.1時間経っても、眠れなかったようで、最後は、「しくしく」と泣き始めた。「ぎゃあ〜、おっぱい〜」とパニック泣きになるなるのでは、という覚悟はしてたが、むせび泣かれるとは、、、その日は、断念しました。
回数を減らしていく過程で、飲みたくて、ぐずぐず泣く事は、何度かあったが、それも乗り切ると、それから、昼間も飲まなくなった。もう1日半経つ。私は、全部辞めるつもりは、まだ、なかったんだけど、、、このまま、卒乳なのだろうか?心の準備をしていなかったので、寂しいけど、このまま、終わるようなら、それも、ナノカのためには、いいのかも、と思う。今日、お迎えに行って、家に帰って、飲まなかったら、多分、終わりなんだろうなあ。For a long time, Nanoka was a big fun of breast. Recently she asked me breastfeeding when I picked her up at the school and I ended up giving her at the corner of the hallway. She is almost two and it must be hard for her to have addicted to breastfeeding. I first decided to quit the breastfeeding during the night. She was old enough, so I explained "you are not baby, and you can sleep without breastfeeding."
On the way to reduce the number of breastfeeding, Nanoka sobbed or cried for half hour or hour, but after one night she went through it, she even did not ask for it during daytime-now it passed 1 and half day-so is she going to quit? I did not expect it, and felt sad, but if it goes, it should let it go. It is the best for Nanoka. After I pick her up today, if she does not have it, it will be really over.
(Actually she asked for it when picking up and had breastfeeding after going home. It still goes during day)

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