
1 and 10 months 1歳10ヶ月

遠足。お友達に囲まれ、リラックスのナノカ。School day trip with parents on Saturday. Relaxed.
お迎えに行っても、すぐには帰ろうとしない日もある。この日は、みりあちゃんと、鏡を見て、二人で大笑い。何がおもしろいのかは、大人の目線ではわからないが、言葉が拙くても、子供同士だけで、ちゃんとコミュニケーションを取り合い、社会ができあがっている。When picking up, Nanoka did not go sometimes. This day, she enjoyed playing with mirror with Miria. They both spoke little, but they could communicate.
ボビーフィーッシャーを探して、を見て、少年同士の友情の姿に、感動。子供は、「良心」「思いやり」いろいろな感情を、小さな体に、宿していく。At the end of "Searching for the Bobby Fisher", there were two boys holding their shoulders cheering up. We were touched by the kid's development of friendship.
最近、保育園に迎えに行くと、ナノカが他の子供と、手をつないで、連れ立って、階段を上っていたり、 (私にはわからないツボで)笑ったりしてるのを見かける。保育園の連絡帳には、「お友達と、おしゃべりしながら、食事を楽しんでいます」と書いてあったが、子供同士で、何をしゃべりながら、食事をしているというのか、信じられない思いだった。2歳も間近なので、社会性が発達する時期なのかもしれないが、母親からすると、「眠い」「腹減った」「オムツ替えてくれ」のような、物理的欲求を声高々に、訴え続けるのみだった新生児が、ついには「自分だけの意志で、他の人とつき合い、社会でうまくやって行く」ことになったかと、びっくりして、涙さえ出てきてしまう。
Nanoka became 1 and 10 months.  2 month left before 2 years old. Last night, husband watched the movie"Searching for the Bobby Fisher", and at the end, two little boys walked away holding their shoulders each other and Josh cheered up a younger, weaker at chess boy that he would be better when he became older like him(they must be only 1-2 years different).
Recently I saw Nanoka holding hands with other kids in the school and inviting each other to climbed the stairs to the second floor, or doing some other play. Teacher told me that she was enjoying the chatter at the lunchtime with friend. I had no idea how she could chat even she could not speak well...But actually I could see they developed their society by their own communication way. It was amazing.
For mothers, who was taking care of Baby's fundamental desire, "food" "sleep" "excretion", it was just unbelievable but incredible to see that kids develop their own society-And surprisingly their first social development is "conscience" in many cases. Even they are small, they knew to be nice, sympathy, and kindness. To see it, I felt "human being is not bad" and even became hopeful.

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