
Kids lover 遊び場ナノちゃん

Even small baby has character. Nano loves kids and greets everybody she meets.ナノは子供が大好きだ。街で通りかかっても、うれしそうに声をかけている。

Recently she can play at indoor playground. There are so many different kinds of babies there, shy, cry-baby who cannot leave mommy and baby who is in his own world. 室内の遊び場で遊べる年齢になったので、連れて行くのだが、赤ちゃんとはいえ、それぞれ既に個性があって、ママにへばりついて動かない子から、自分の世界にはまって黙々と遊ぶ子など、様々だ。

Nano loves to play with other baby, so she directly approached those who is close to her. But she cannot see what kinds of babies they are and she approached to the my world boy ナノは、飛び抜けて「子供好き」なので、すぐに寄って行くのだが、まだ空気が全く読めないらしく、「黙々と自分の世界で遊ぶ男の子」にアプローチして

and touch his toys and his face and his shirts. The boy was irritated and tried Nano away. Nano did not mind and kept touching. I could not believe how strong Nano is,,,オモチャを触り、肩を触り、シャツを引っ張り、、、嫌がられて、振り払われても、まだ触り続けたりして、、、ナノちゃん、積極的ですねえ、、、
This is the first time she went to playground. Watch her happy face. これは、遊び場にデビューした時の姿。とてもうれしそうな顔してます。

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