
Taste of New Year お正月を味わう

Nano received Otoshidama, money gift from adults, for her first time from Grandma in Sendai. She grab and brought it to the mouth. 人生初のお年玉をもらい、すかさず口に持って行くナノカ。
Their house was new and warm, and Nano moved faster and freely. In this picture, she found wooden Daruma, the figure of the monk without arms and legs by training, and had a big bite. 木製のだるまを見つけて、突進して、かみつくナノカ。
We went to Sendai to meet parents in law for New Year holiday from Dec 30 to Jan 1. It was first time after 3.11 earthquake in Tohoku. Thanks to their new house, they even did not get injured at all and they were happy to welcome us. In the afternoon of Dec 31, husband drove through the area where tsunami hit. It was just 1 kiro meter from parents house and that was the port and river and area he played around in his childhood. The place was all blank. All the staff were took away and there were even no trash now. It seemed me to be flat field all my sights, but husband told me there were houses and buildings all over. We found some houses stood but close to see, we found all the windows were broken and blank in the first floor. It was filled with unnatural silence. He was speechless. So did I. We drove beside the junior high school we saw on the news. Only people who escaped to higher stories survived. I just imagined what the tragedies happened at that time and held tight Nano in my arms.
People there tried to live daily life. They tried to get over the incidents. Even for us in Yokohama earthquake and unclear accident were shocking. I could not imagine how much lives of people there has changed after that. But still the lives go on and we have to stand. All the people seek hopes to the next.
2011 was surely the hardest year for Japan. For me and husband, Nano was born in this special year and she was growing like a strong tree bud. Husband and I followed that hopes every day. It was the words that many people already said, but I recognized that it was so true that kids are hopes of the society.
For 2012, I set up ordinal goal, "find the balance of work and family. Several book projects will come true. Possibly go to family trip (best it New York)" It is our generations' rules-keep living, not losing hopes, respecting each other, being happy and uniting with family and friends.

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