
The story of the rings 指輪物語

On the other day, I was watching TV about a woman who lost her husband by Tsunami. Her husband was a bus driver and she found the ring from his remain staff. Holding her two small daughters in her arms, she said, "This must be the return to my Valentine's day present. I do not need the ring but just want him back. He is such a sweet kind man..." It was such a painful story and I could not stop wiping. March 14 is called White day in Japan and men return the present to women's Valentine's day present. Last year, my husband bought me engaged ring on White Day. On this collapse after the tragedy in Tohoku, we had been lived apart and we did not even spend White day together. I just thought about my ring and how happy memory of that. 
We already decided to marry someday soon, but one day, he said to me, "You do not need the engaged ring, right? Instead, we can buy something needed for our new life. It is more useful. First of all, women do not wear engaged ring often."いずれ結婚するつもりではいたある日、相方が、「婚約指輪、いらないよね。それより結婚後に必要なもの買った方がいいし、だいたい、女の人って婚約指輪つけないじゃん」と言った。

I felt very shocked and sad. But at the same time, it was really true. If he paid for the ring, it meant we decrease the money for the new life. But we don't do any big wedding. Was it really OK to simplify all the romantic ceremony? 正しい意見だとは思ったものの、ショックで悲しかった。結納はおろか、結婚式だってしないし、全部簡略化して、ロマンチックなものや形式じみたものを全部省いていいものか、とか、いや、単に自分の気持ち的にも腹立たしいぞ、とか、でも、結局最終的にお財布は一個だしなあ、とか。

After thinking over a night, I asked him, "I still want one for memory. It does not have to be luxury one, but special one." Then we started to hunt "the special engaged ring" We went to the mountain side factory, Department closing sale, and so on.一晩考えて、結論は、「そんなに高くないものでいいから、やっぱり買って〜」だった。要は気持ちの問題で、何か記念に買う事に意義があると思ったのだ。

I told him what kind of ways to propose was my dream. We watched so many movies and I said, "this is what I like" and he said, "it is too difficult for me."その代わり、ロマンチックな気分が味わいたかったので、ことあるごとに、「この映画みたいなのが憧れ〜」と外国のメロメロのロマンチックなプロポーズシーンを見る度に言っていた。「ハードルあげ過ぎ」と相方は、困っていた。典型的な日本人で、照れ屋のおっさんである相方には、難しいのがわかっていて、困らせて楽しんでいただけなんだけど。

On March 14 last year, we went to Okachimachi, the town of jewel trade. It was much cheaper than department stores or designer's shop, but good quality, my husband told me. さまざまな店や工場を見て回るのがその頃の週末だったが、3月14日、御徒町の問屋街にも行ってみた。「割安で、品質がいいんだよ」と相方。

I found cute fashion ring with floral design. He bought what I liked. It was not "that expensive" but since we spent so much time and energy to find the right one, I was so happy about that.結局、お花のデザインの、かわいい指輪を見つけて、買ってもらった。いわゆる「婚約指輪」ではなかったのかもしれないけど、とても自分らしくて、特別なものが見つけられたので、ご機嫌だった。

On that night, he let me sit the chair, kneed and proposed me to bring the ring from his pocket. I really did not expect he really tried to do something romantic. So I was really moved.その晩、家に戻ると、相方が私を椅子に座らせた。そして、ちゃんとひざまずいて、ポケットから指輪を出して、プロポーズをしてくれた。全く、期待してなかったので、びっくりした。

He apologised that he could not do well, but I was so happy since it was such a big challenge to him. 相方は、「うまくできなかった、、、」と謝ってたけど、頑張ってくれたのが伝わって、とても、うれしかった。

5 件のコメント:

Keitaro Azumi さんのコメント...

So beautiful and romantic story!

abdcot さんのコメント...

sooooo beauty~

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...

thank you. My husband felt shy about my telling stories. hahaha.

abdcot さんのコメント...

^^ how cute~

匿名 さんのコメント...

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