
Anemia 貧血

 My Recent physical trouble is anemia. Daily movement like climbing up stairsteps gives me hard breath. It is very typical for pregnant women and I tried to be careful from the early pregnancy. I originally have some shortage of blood and in addition every time I went to maternity hospital, they took my blood for medical check(They said it was for checking anemia but it made me anemia.strange.)
I went to dentist yesterday and there I felt very sick because of anemia. Dentist got scared and he stopped treatment. Since it was a long trip to there in the snow, I really wanted him to complete the treatment. I rested for 10 mins and went to toilet and he did the least treatment.昨日、雪の中、歯医者に行った。治療中、貧血になってしまい、治療中断。しばらく、休んで、トイレにも行った後、治療してもらったが、怯えた歯医者さんは、とても手短に終わらせた。うーん、せっかく来たのだから、徹底的にチェックしてもらいたかったのだけど、、、
Usually anemia happens when I keep same pose for a while. Probably baby is not happy to be pushed by organs around and try to make space for self. Then my stomach or intestine gets some trouble.この貧血、大概同じポーズを長い間とっていると起きる。お腹の中が混み合ってるため、チビチビが臓器に押されて、「せまい〜。じゃま〜」と臓器を押し返してるのではないかと思う。すると、胃や腸が圧迫されて、今度は私が気分が悪くなるのだ。

On Sunday, we took subway to Tokyo. It is 30mins ride. At the beginning, I was happy for going out and chattering, but I felt sick for last few stops. I breathed hard, sweat, and held husband's shoulder shivering. As soon as getting off, I became fine.日曜日に東京まで出かけたが、30分の電車の間に、気分が悪くなってしまった。息が上がるし、脂汗はかくし、最後は相方の肩にしがみついて、ぜえぜえしていた。電車を降りると、気分はすぐに戻ったんだけどね。

I can remember the faces of the young couple in front of us. They were chattering until I became sick, but after that, they became quiet and looked like being scared. I said, "Maybe they thought I would deliver the birth there." Don't worry, my belly is quite big now, but it is not the time, yet!そういえば、目の前にいた若いカップルが、それまで楽しそうにおしゃべりしてたのに、私がぜえぜえし始めたら、黙り込んで見ていた。そろそろ、お腹がかなり目立ってきたので、「やばい、この人、ここで産んじゃうんじゃない?」「俺たち、立ち会っちゃうんじゃないの?」と思ってたかも。腹はまあまあでかいですが、まだ、時期じゃないので、大丈夫ですよ〜

2 件のコメント:

abdcot さんのコメント...

every day a new adventure
you have a really intense days
you don't have time to be bored

you should add some vegetables soy, lentils, spinach, swiss chard, chickpeas... it helps you to feel better and are really healthy ^^

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...

It is just ordinal days but still so much things going on.

Hmmm, I eat spinach a lot, but I love peas, too. Good idea! I will make pea curry tomorrow!