
Baby Shower ベビーシャワー

My friend, Ai, got married and got pregnant. The baby is expected at the beginning of next year. I went to check out her big belly in October.
In America, there is the custom called Baby Shower. Friends and families get together to give presents for the expecting baby before birth. Ai and I watched "Sex and the City" and they said that they hated Baby Shower. It could be difficult day for the stylish city girls over 30 to join the "baby and mom"s world. Suddenly new moms-used to be one of city playgirl, start to insist on the beauty of having babies and recommend others to have ones. 
For me, I got used to the baby and mom's culture since my sister and most of my friends have babies already. Moreover, as children's book author, I have to be pleased to welcome future customers.
For Ai and her husband who have fight almost everyday, I made puppet to apologise instead of themselves.
アメリカには、Baby Showerと呼ばれる、プレ出産祝い、のようなパーティーがある。
来たるべき赤ちゃんの誕生を祝って、友人や親戚が集まり、出産祝いの先渡しをするのだ。そういえば、友人Aと見たドラマSex and the Cityで、「嫌いなもの、ベビーシャワー」てキャリーたちが言ってたっけ。ニューヨークの独身女性が入り込むには、赤ちゃんワールドはなかなかカルチャーショックも大きく、オシャレで、遊び人だった友人が、突然、出産信者になって、『あなたも、産むべきだわ』と迫ってくる一日は、多少、気が重いのかもしれない。
Black rabbit. A bit big.

I was lucky to have craft shop nearby. Eyes are button. Scarf fits him. His name is Pe.

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

hi Kae!
i looked you up online because i could not remember if you had a website. i love the pictures on your blog... i just wish i could read japanese. i guess i just have to try to learn, someday.

i can't wait to talk to you again. i hope we can see each other when i'm in japan but if it doesn't work out, at least we can maybe talk on the telephone.


にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...

Hi Janna!
I am so glad that you checked this blog out! I used to write both in English and Japanese, and I am starting now again. Please keep checking!

I really hope that we can see in Nagoya. I am trying to stay after New Years Day until you return to Osaka.

I had just remember the baby shower of Mei. It was in Central Park and your belly was so big! And now Mei is so Big. The time pass so fast...
