
Postcard of mandarin plantation みかん畑

長崎県は、ミカン県でもあります。海辺の坂に、たわわに実ったミカンの木がずらっと並ぶ風景は、地中海(実際に見たことないけど)の、陽光照りつける、明 るい島々を思わせます。Nagasaki is the prefecture of the mandarin oranges. In the season, we can see the thousands of mandarin riped in a tree that is covered the hills facing blue ocean. Very bright, very islands scenery and beautiful.
The season of harvest of mandarin oranges is coming soon. They colored their fruit golden. Also flower of them are great and you can smell the wind of the hill in that season.
I had some mistake about data and I need to fix it and sent it to printer. Then my postcard will delay. So they will come on the first day of the event. Sorry for inconvenience, but if you look for the cards, please come over on the second day, Sep.22.

1 件のコメント:

Tonykaku さんのコメント...

i want a mikan postcard : )
but i cannot make it there in time : (
but on the 22nd...i will eat a mikan.