
Another one will come next spring ミニミニ/その他

胎児名ミニミニ。みんなで待ってるよ〜と、写真を撮りました。We took the photo "we are waiting for you" to baby.
すでに、ツワリが始まり、日常生活に支障をきたしつつありますが、2歳児を抱えており、気力でなんとか、低空飛行を続けております。来たる9月21日、22日には、佐世保、島瀬公園のアートイベントにも参加する予定で、準備もありますし。 ブログアップできなかった理由は、ツワリよりは、こちらの準備が主です。なので、イベントが終わったら、また、マメにアップしていきます。
でも、毎日、即興でお話をしています。最初は、眠る時に、絵本を読んでると、いつまでも、寝ないので、電気を消して、「ママのお話」タイムとして、その日あった事を主人公を「ナノカ」にして、話していました。最近は、「お月様のお話をして」などムチャぶりが増えて来ましたが、なんとか対応しています。一応、絵本作家ですもんね。でも、だれでもできると思ってるナノカは、 相方にも「今度は、パパ」と求め、仕方なく、相方が話している事も。案外、毎日やっていれば、できるもんですね。相方も上手です。
I went to the clinic and found that my second baby will be born around April 24th next year. There were so much worry about future, but still we were happy about that. I guess that we just had to do our best to bring up our two treasure.
I already felt sick and my daily life was not easy. But I have to take care of Nanoka and I cannot be down, so I tried not to be very sick.
There will be Art Event at Sasebo on 21st and 22nd September. I need to prepare for that. This was the reason why I could not update the blog for a while. Sorry about that.
Nanoka tried to understand my change. She said, "Mommy has baby inside" and she said, "I will give my toys when it comes out" from her. I was moved. At the same time, she already became like baby-she only slept on my knee at night. It would be tough after baby's birth.
It will have some limitation to my work after birth for a year or so. But I felt it is a part of life and probably even good for my art work. There were so many different stages in the life and being mother is a big part of that. I might have a little "slow down time" as an artist, but it will be fruitful later. I mean, anyway, we all have to express based on the emotion what we felt through the life.
I wish I could read my own books to Nanoka since she loved the picture books. But probably it happens to many authors that they feel something through the kids and express, and when it is published, the babies are already not at that age.
Instead, I told Nanoka every night original story. It started that she did not sleep when light was on and I was reading the books, I put light off, and made up a story that Nanoka was main character and it was about her day. She loved it. And asked husband, too. He actually did well, too.
Maybe all other mothers did similar things. They talked with kids, care them and worry them. They did not have a chance to tell around about it, so people believed that it was "daily" and "ordinary", but actually everything is done by continuous effort. I now felt respect and sympathy to all the moms in the world and different generations.
I wanted to keep writing here about daily things believing it has some sympathy to those who are spending "ordinary" days. I mean, I will face on the "late child bearing" "morning sick with kid" and "first kid's emotion" etc.

2 件のコメント:

Tonykaku さんのコメント...

本当におめでとうございます !!

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...
