
nicknames ぴーたん

A few weeks has passed after she got 3 years old. It was just a few weeks but she acts like 3 years old now. Calling nicknames and making rule play can be what she learned from the school. Her classmates did same play in the school. I cannot see that they can make converversation to set up the rules in this small kid group since I talked with them everyday when picking her up and they still spoke broken Japanese. But probably they can communicate enough to make rules, let other friends understand and enjoy this complicated play each other. Amazing.
ある日突然、ふろ上がりに、「ぴーたん」と言い出す。One day after taking the bath, Nanoka suddenly called me "Pee-tan"
「ママのこと、ぴーたんって呼んでいい?」という。"Can I call you pee-tan(bird)?"she said. I said OK. Nanoka would be Nya-ta(cat)
ナノカはニャータで、パパはワンタだそうだ。それから、毎日、家族内であだ名で呼び合うことに、、、Husband was not there but she called him Wan-ta(dog). From then we had to call each other by nicknames every day.
数日、同じ名前だったのに、日曜日に、突然名前が入れ替わった。さらに、犬のぬいぐるみ、ワンワンのあだ名が、ワンコ、というややこしさ。On Sunday,she changed my namd and husband name. I was Wanta and he was pee-tan. Then her stuffed animal named wanwan's nickname became Wanko.Such a complex day,,,
ナノカにも名前付けて、というので、「ポンタ」とふざけて言ったところ、あっさり受け入れ、「ポンポン」と自分で言っていた。She needed new nickname and asked me. I said Ponta meaning racoon. I thought she would be mad, but actually she happily called herself Ponta.

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