
Nap お昼寝

At the school after the lunch kids got nap. They are lined and all sleep quietly in a peace. But when she was at home, it never happens.
Today we went to the clinic and skipped the nap at the school. She kept saying sleepy till reaching home, so I made bed for her and read some books as she requested. She escaped after reading and started to play with blocks toys ,,,,,then she fell asleep around the time of the dinner. It is just so hard for mom to control kids nap.
眠かったはずなのに、家に着くと、昼寝する様子は全くなく、遊び倒している。She kept saying sleepy on way home but she did not want to have a nap after coming back home.
ねんどを引っ張り出した。She pulled clay and started to play
しかし、眠くないと本人は言うが、本当は眠いのだ。機嫌が悪く、ちょっとのことで、怒る。She said not sleepy but actually she was. She easily got mad about small things.
そばにいると、ぶつかって、ケンカになるので、放っておいて、料理をすることにする。I did not want to have arguement with her, so tried to keep distance from her.
静かなので、見ると、布団に転がっていた。机の上の粘土は片付いていて、手も洗ってあった。眠くても、几帳面なところは、えらいなあ、、、(粘土は、眠すぎて、色もまぜこぜで、つっこんであったけど) in a few minutes, I found her quiet and see the next room. She was laying at the bed. Table was cleaned. Hands were washed. Clay was in chaos in the container, but she was trying to be as tidy as possible even almost falling down.

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