
house work おてつだい

Nanoka wants to do some houseworks. I heard that those works are good source of education for child development.
I did not expect her to start this early to wash the dishes, wipe the floors or so, but those were what she wanted to do. The time when kids wanted to do might be the best time,,,I let her to do.
Actually it took much more energy and patience to let kids do rather than doing by myself. 4-5 times and I need to prepare, watch and clean after. Ceramics can be broken, laundly gets wrincles and water on the floor.
It was not fun to be forced to do housework. "Not yet?" "Don't take much time" my mom said to me and I was not happy. In addition, she complained the result or my way "Too slow" "It is not clean enough" or so. I felt terrible since I thought I did nice things. Probably it was the generations who believed that they had to educate kids to do every house works in proper way, but my "heart" was hurt. I heard that a wonam said, "I never complain the kids house work. If I found it not clean enough, I just said thanks to her and washed again after she left." It depends on what is the purpose of letting kids doing the housework.
I might say something to 20 years old daughter's job, but not for 3 years Nanoka. So it might be good for both of us to start and I can "praise what she has done and we both happy"
夕食後、机を拭こうとすると、「ナノカも拭く!」という。After dinner, Nanoka wanted to wipe, too.
先日、導入された「ナノカ専用ミニぞうきん」を、ご自分で取り出し、洗面台で準備。She ran to her towel and dip it into water sink and squeeze. There was water pool on the floor.
さすがに、最後に仕上げ絞りをさせてもらったが、自由に、お掃除開始。見ると、口が出るので、気にしない、気にしない。She started to wipe what she think she should clean. I tried not to see since I would mind.
ふう、終わった。さあ、お皿を洗おう、と思ったところで、「あ、ナノカも洗う~」、、、Then finished. I moved to wash the dishes, and she came to say "I will wash, too!"...

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