We went to camping to Ikitsuki island. It is 1 and half drive from Sasebo. It was fun even with no hot water shower, lots of insects and it is cheap! We consider this as a choice to have fun when we run out of money.
生月って、こういう草っぱらと Ikitsuki is the island with plain and |
断崖絶壁の島です。ワンワンに海を見せてます。cliff. She showed wanwan the sea. |
市役所支所にて許可をもらい、野営場にテント設営。Built the tent at the field. |
カセットコンロを持ち込むという、なめなめのアウトドア料理。メニューは、タンドリーチキン、焼き肉のレタス巻き、野菜。Dinner is tandry chicken, pork and lettus, vegetables. |
初写生。「海」だそうです。波かな?draw in the nature. She drew ocean. |
テントの中でも、お絵かき。後ろには、飲み過ぎて、早くから、ぐっすりの相方。クーラーボックスに一日分とは思えない酒が入ってましたが、着いた早々に開けてしまい、野営場から一歩も動けない状態に。In the tent, husband slept after dinner. I saw lot of alcohole in the coolerbox and he opened them right after we reached here, meaning we were stuck here. |
野営場上から。From top of the hill. |
断崖絶壁と草っぱら。娯楽なし。しかし、子供には、十分、楽しいみたい。there was nothing but nature. It was enough for kids. |
野営場の朝。ご飯は、ロールパンにハムエッグ、キュウリのお漬物、残りいもの炒め物、コーヒーでした。In the morning, bread, fried egg, pickles and coffee. |
移動して、人津久の海へ。砂浜で、いつものように、へぼい山づくりをしてたところ、moved to beach. She first made small mountain |
巨大山づくりを、相方から伝授される。後ろ向きで、がーっと砂を掘るっ!husband showed how to make big one. |
今回は、自分ひとりで(浮き輪付きで)波乗りできるように。she enjoyed her tubing. |
It was bad to see a group of local people use the baebeque area as a eating space. They brought their chairs and we could not use the sink. Also they did not bring tent and slept in the car using enzine on for whole night. They had party till midnight and they left all the gaevage. I brought Nanoka to wash our faces and dirty dishes almost fell onto us. I brought Nanoka since I want to educate her the respect to the nature and manner in the outdoor, but this was the worst. Very sad. Probably for the local people it is more in the daily life and it is just combinient spot to gather, but it was not own garden. It is important to keep the rules anywhere.
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