It is super cold today. Husband was on business trip, and I am sick, then I decided to let Nanoka stay at home rather than bringing her to the school by foot twice a day. It is better for my cold.
午前中は、家にこもる日用に購入しておいた、お米粘土。あぶら粘土を家庭で使うのは、さすがに、イヤなので、買ってみたが、お気に召したよう。全色、次々に使い、「おだんご」「へび」「ハート」の3種を大量生産。まあ、楽しそうだから、いっか。We did clay made from Rice. She made lots of ball, snake and heart. |
で、午後は、バレンタインのプレゼント作り。張り切って、混ぜています。In the afternoon, we started to make Valentine chocolate for daddy and friends. |
で、丸めます。朝の粘土を思わせる手つき。She rolled to make balls. It is same way to make the clay in the morning. |
最後は、ココアをまぶす作業。これが一番、得意だったようで、全部やってくれた。Then covered them with cocoa powder. She did all by herself. Good job! |
しかし、中央の「へび」という作品。なんとなく、○○こっぽく、食欲をそそられない、色と形に出来上がった(笑)本人は気づいてないようだが。In the middle, she said "snake" but it ends up like "poo" I thought. Well I did not tell her, though. |
最後の掃除も、手伝ってくれた。が、ナノカが拭いてた所を、私が拭いたりすると、激怒していた。ありがたい心意気だが、なかなか、面倒だ。 なにはともあれ、2歳7ヶ月なりに、この行事にも、参加できた。今年から、どの行事も、ちゃんと参加できていて、「2歳あたりが境目なんだな」と思う。忙しいが、楽しい。
Nanoka still did not eat chocolate(I will keep her from chocolate till three). I was not sure if she can just cook but not eat. She could. She said, "I will make present for daddy." and she never ate a bit.
When she joined cooking, 10% of the ingredients spread all over the room. Herself was covered with cocoa, so I had to take all the clothes off and I cleaned all the floor and table afterwords. It is ten times work rather than doing by myself, but still I am glad to do together. Actually she could do better than before.
After two, she can enjoy all the seasonal events as her age. I am busy, but very happy.
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