朝、家を出ると、うぐいすの声が聞こえた。山の中腹なので、下界より早くに、鳴き始めるのだ。In the morning, I heard the bush warbler calling in the valley. |
今週も、相方が出張にて、二人で徒歩&バス通園。ここを、降ります。Husband was out and we have to walk down this stair pass to the lower road to catch the bus. |
ちょうど、橘(ミカン)と桃の花が、ひな祭りの頃に咲くんだね。In this season, we can see orange and peach flower which are used for the decoration for Hinamatsuri. |
急斜面に小川が流れてる。目つきの悪いナノカ。Near the creek, |
フキノトウ。もう、育ってしまってるけど。we found the butter bur sprout. |
急斜面に家が立ってるので、こんな風に、1階と2階に出入り口があるのが、この辺りの特徴。It is steep hill, so the houses has entrance both 1st and 2nd floor. |
空中農園。春めいて、歩きやすくなったけど、、、The farm near sky. |
遊びながら、歩く余裕ができて、影踏みしたり、It is warmer so she enjoyed stepping the shadow |
見てみて!かげだよ!Look, my shadow! |
「これ、一緒にやろう」と言われたのは、デューク更家みたいな歩き方。体力使う、、、She walks like some kinds of exercise. I got tired just bringing her to the school. |
She might have little memory of the last spring. I would like to experience discovering sprout, flower, and insects that spring brings. I have to keep eyes carefully!
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