

先日、友人宅で、豪華な段飾りのおひな様を見せてもらったが、ナノカは「こわい」と一歩も部屋に入れず。ああ、人形劇もダメだもんなあ、、、お雛様もダメか、、、On the other day, at friend's house, they showed us their gorgeous ohinasama dolls. Nanoka was afraid of them and not enter the room.
昨日、お迎えに行くと、おあつまりで「ひなまつり」を歌っていた。Yesterday I found kids singing the song of hinamatsuri.
帰り道、ナノカが、「うちは、おひめさま、ないねえ」と悲しそうに言う。おひめさま?ああ、おひなさまの事か。この間、こわいって、泣いてたじゃん、、、On way back home, she sadly said, "we do not have princess" Princess? Oh, she meant ohinasama dolls...Well, you were scared to cry,,,
ということで、相方に、玄関に飾ってもらった。小さくて、かわいらしい、わが家のおひなさま。Husband decorated them while she was sleeping last night at the entrance. Our small cute ohinasama dolls.
Hinamatsuri is one of my favorite events of the year. It is girl's day and we decorates dolls, cute fancy pink stuff with spring color. The girls and those who used to be girl will get together to celebrate this day. I wish I could do when I became old woman. Surely we will wear pink on that day!

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