さて、ナノカ。2歳頃から、2語どころか、文章を巧みに操り、耳にした単語は、次から次に、取り入れて、正確に使い分ける。As for Nanoka, she was very good at language. She speak correct Japanese using newest words she just hear. |
その証拠か、随分長いこと、1から10が、正確に数えられないままだ。絶対に、7を抜かす。数字に興味がなさそう。すでに、理系脱落か?Actually she has less interests in numbers. She counts 10 skipping 7 all the time and never fix it for a long time. |
ナノカの様子を見ていると、数字やら、ものの仕組みに、惹かれている様子もないし、 親の勘としては、「理系ってことは、ないかなあ、、、」と、感じる。友人の子供の中には、車のボンネットの中身に釘付けの子もいるし、小さなうちから、個性や能力の傾向というのは、わりと、出てくるものだ。
I have not been good at math or science through my childhood. I got good mark only art and Japanese. I could be OK about math, never failed it, but never be good until high school.
In high school, in the first test, I got very good mark even in good students of good school. Teacher recommended me to major the science in the university. I was serious considering once. But my mark declined after that and never got better. I understand why now. The field of the math at that test was "proof" that is based on theory-language ability is very important. In other time, I got best mark at the biology at genetic inheritance. I guess it happens to me only when they are understandable and fun for me since they were a little far from ordinal mathematics way of viewing. I am very non science non math person, I realized in high school. Then I made my choice for the future major.
I am very glad that I tried until that time. If I gave up in earlier stage of the life, I did not know what is really my field. The fun part of the study is starting only when we got higher education.Then we also found the limitation in some field and ability in other field.
As for Nanoka, I can see that she is very like me. I do not feel that she has math interest by nature compare with language or art. My friend's son has enormous interests in inside of the car when they got engine trouble. I think kids starts showing their tendency very early stage.
But anyway it is too early to make conclusion. Nanoka could say, "I want to be architect" or doctor, later. Who knows. And what can we do if she did not study at all until that and lost mathematics way of seeing? In addition, her tendency right now is basically my influence.
So I tried to help her to touch the math and science. I had no idea actually. I bought second hand puzzle and some picture book about math. They are just beautiful at the aesthetic point of view and I felt happy to watch. Then I felt satisfied. I am not good helper of her about this.
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