
Valentine Card おうちあそび3バレンタインカード

カード作り。渡す紙、全て、ハサミで切り刻んでしまったため、最後に、よく言い聞かせて、大きな台紙になる色紙を渡し、のりづけを始める。和紙は、手で引きちぎると、独特で、おもしろい。Making Card. She cut all the paper she got, so I gave her last large paper to tell her not to cut but paste on it. Japanese paper is unique and fun to cut with hands.
前はスティックのりだったが、ヤマトのりを使い始めてみた。まだ、適量がわからず、大量消費。上手に扱えるようになるまでには、まだまだ、時間がかかりそう。She paste on the paper with glue. This time I gave her paste rather than stick. It got messier since she did not know the proper amount to use.
のりをたっぷり載せる事の方が熱中していたため、どうなるかと思ったが、自力100%のカードとしては、結構、いい感じに仕上がった。She devoted herself into putting lots of glue on paper, and I thought it would be disaster, but ended up good looking as her work.
隣で私も作成。ナノカの注文の「ライオン」と「トラ」(実際は、ヒョウにしました)をカードに。迫力、という点では、子供の作品には、かないませんね。Beside her I made a card. As she asked me, I put lion and tiger(actually leopard).
冬の長い北欧では、家に閉じ込められる時間もハンパない。そこで、家時間を充実させて、暮らす。編み物をしたり、木工を趣味にしてみたり。 私も、こんな職業を選んでいるぐらいだから、家の中での作業が、基本的に、好きだ。雪や嵐で家に閉じこめられる日、針を刺したり、線を引いたりしながら、静かに降る雪の音を感じたりすると、心が落ち着く。「家で過ごそう」と決めてしまうと、逆に、とても豊かな時間になる。
It has been so cold this week. We did not go out a bit yesterday. It is rare for us since every day we walk and ride a bus go back and forth to the school. She actually enjoyed inside play for whole day.
In Northern Europe, they tried to enjoy the inside activity to spend long long winter stuck inside the house. Such as knitting, building the furniture etc. I love the way to live like that since I naturally love the inside activity. As listening to the sound of falling the snow, I sew, cut the papers or read. It makes me very relaxed.
Everyday does not work like that. Husband came back and Nanoka left for school today. I will pick her up and we will walk and ride the bus, then rush to eat, take bath, wrap the present. No silence exits such as listening the snow falling. Today it will snow in Tokyo, and many people might come earlier, or even stay at home. I hope that they can enjoy this rare chance to enjoy the silence.

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