
Rice cake pounding お餅つき

Last Sunday, we joined rice cake making at our apartment. At Sasebo, there are so many "Rice cake making" events in winter. We joined twice this year, but actually we were invited 5 times.
餅つきシーズンの到来とともに、ホームセンターに当たり前のように並ぶ、杵、うす。マイ杵を欲しがる相方。どうするのよ。In the season, at the home depo, we can see special equipments only for making rice cake.
だいたい、外で行われる餅つき。持ち運び用プロパンガスや、薪で蒸らす。餅米はふやかした後、麻の布に包み、上部の鍋にセッティング。この蒸した餅米は、相方の好物なんだそう。It is usually done outside, so we brought big portable gas table, or use woods to make fire. We steamed sticky rice covered with linen in the piling pots.
臼に入れたら、すぐペッタン、ではない。まず、杵でネチネチとつぶす。実は、この作業の方が重要、かつ体力を消耗する。Then we smashed it in the stone bowl for a while and we pounded at the end.
張り切る相方。今週は、腰と腕の筋肉痛に悩まされている。Husband has been suffering muscular pain after this.
餅つきは、男の世界。蒸らし具合から、手順まで、全部、やってくれる。ちなみに、お年寄り=ベテラン、とは限らず、意外に若者でも、こだわりの強い仕切り屋が出てくる。実家でやってたとか、ボーイスカウト出身とか、いろいろ、あるんだろう。It is a man's world. They manage from fire to the pounding. Some men have opinion about the way and they lead the group. This time it is younger. He might have experience in childhood.
女性の仕事は、できた餅を、手早く大きさに切って、丸める事。ちぎるのも、ちぎり後をなくすように丸めるのも、結構難しい。あんこ入りのお餅が、必ず作られるのも、この辺りの風習。Women make it small balls. It needs technique actually. Half of them should include red bean paste in this area.
あたいも、おもち、まるめたよ!I am making rice cake ball!
Nanoka ate 4. I was afraid of her appetite, but she was happy.
On Monday, when I picked her up at the school, she played making mud balls as usual. I asked her to finish and go home, then she started to bite the mud ball! She never did that even when she was smaller,,,was that because the memory of rice cake on the other day so good?

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