
First Sewing 縫いさし

園のお便りに載っていた、ナノカのクラスで流行っているという「縫いさし」。「ナノカもやってるの?」と聞くと、「やってない」という。The letter from the school said that the sewing is in fashion now in Nanoka's class. I asked Nanoka about it, but she answered she had never did it.
ナノカ好きそうなのに、、、先生に、「やってないって本当ですか?」と聞くと、「そうなんですよね。ナノカちゃん、やらないんですよ」と言う。自分から手を伸ばすまでは、待ってます、とのこと。It might be interesting for her since she wanted to sew when I did. I checked the teacher and she said, "No, she did not. We are waiting for her motivation"
前に、私の針と糸も触りたがっていたのに、やらない、というのが、気になって、「ナノちゃん、家で、針と糸、やってみたい?」と聞くと、「やる」と言う。そして、夕ご飯後にやると言い出す。夜遅いから、明日、と説得するのも大変。I just wondered what was her real emotion. Just in case, I asked her, "do you want to sew at home?" then she said yes. Then she was excited to do even in the night. I had difficult time to let her wait till the next day.
寝る時に、おふとんで、「ぬいさし、お家でやってから、保育園でやる」「先生に、言ってね」と言われた。なかなか、外で新しい事にチャレンジできない性格のよう。In the bed, she said, "I will sew at home first and then do at the school" "Mommy, please tell teacher about it" Well, this is her character,,,
縫いさし。1日目は、ただ、布の印に糸を通しただけだったので、すぐ飽きてしまった。2日目は、自分で選んで買った布を、布に縫い付けさせてみた。First day, she soon got bored since I just asked her to sew on the plain clothes so on the second day, I gave her favorite clothes and showed to attach it onto the plain one.
やっぱり、気に入った布と、目的が見えると、少し、頑張れるようだ。It gave her more motivation.
こっちは、隣で、私が作った、ナノカの髪飾り2種。I made her hair accessories beside her.
Nanoka loves the school, but it does not mean that she can act as she does at home. It is fun place surrounded by good people, but it is still outside.
She could not try what she thought interesting. She might be afraid of the failure. Then usually she practiced at home to make sure she can do, and then she try at the school. She is very careful person.
I was not sure if it was good for me to help her about this sewing things, but she was 2 and half, and it must be hard for her to solve all the matter. She will practice everything at home even growing up, or she would noticed that she had to give her some risk to fail outside someday. I do not know, but it is her own character and I just want to keep her development hoping she would go over the problems.

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