バレンタインカードを作成中、折り紙も切って貼ろうと、出してきて「好きな色、一枚えらんでね」と言うと、裏の折り紙例を見て、「これが、したい」と兜を指差した。When we were making valentine cards, I brought origami paper for cutting to paste. Nanoka looked at the back and pointed one sample and said, "I want to make this" |
「やりたかったら、やらせてくれるよ」と言うと、首を振り、「だって、恥ずかしかったんだもん」と言う。やはり、挑戦できないようだ、、、but she waved her head and said, "Because I was ashamed." Ashamed! Was that mean you were afraid to make mistake? |
OK. So we will do at home first. I borrowed DVD which I found at DVD store. She watched in a tense. Then we tried easiest one. Actually it helps me to teach her rather than with guidebook since my hands were free.
I had not done origami for a long time. I thought it was such a Japanese way of seeing the things-very quiet, simple and sharp. Kids in Japan play it as common play again and again, but actually it is very good to use fingers, follow the instructions and understand the relationship between 2D and 3D if it reaches advanced. I would like to enjoy with her like I did in childhood as she grows. For Hinamatsuri I would like to make the paper box for candy.
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