
It's over is not over もうダメだ、はもうダメじゃない

I say "It's over" like a habit. There is not so serious meaning in this word actually. I just feel like that at that moment and said that. Usually I manage it and I go through it. But I just want to say and say it like habit.相方の口癖は大丈夫、だと言ったが、私の口癖は、「もうダメだ」だ。別に悲観主義な訳ではなく、思った事をそのまま口にする性格で、ちょっと辛い事があると、「もうダメだ」とおおげさに言いたくなるだけなのだ。

At the beginning, my husband took every words seriously. Every time I said something pesimistic, he got nervous. One day I had to leave him at the end of long holidays and I felt sad. I said, "I am sad. I do not have confident for long distance." But I forgot it after a while.最初の頃、相方はこの口癖に、ドキドキしたらしい。ある日、長い休日の後に、離れるのがさびしくなって、「遠距離はもうダメだ。辛い」と言ったらしい(言ったかもしれないが、別に、仕方ないと思ってたので、ただ言っただけだと思われる)

Later on, when we had some argument, he complained, "You said you could not manage the long distance. I was nervous after that." I just said what I felt, but I was usually accepting the situation, Anyway, I noticed the reason why he tried hard to see me every weekends.しばらくした後、なにかの拍子でケンカになった時、「だいたい、自信がないって言われたら、どうしたらいいのかわかんなくて、困るんだよ」と怒られた。どうりで、週末ごとにムリして会いにくると思った。

Now he got used to my words, "I cannot do it. It is over." So he never takes it seriously. I said every day and he ignores or just answers "you can do it. OK?" 今では、すっかり私の口癖になれて、全然、取り合ってくれない。「腹がでかくなり過ぎた。もうダメだ」と言っても、「がんばりなさい」「できるでしょ」そして、言い過ぎると、「ダメだダメだ、言わないの」と怒られる。なんか、つまんない。

2 件のコメント:

abdcot さんのコメント...

I can see you are with your really one ^^
He knows you really well and accept you like you are ( ^^)/(^^)
so niceeee~

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...

I hope so. He sometimes explains what I am feeling by my attitude like caption. It is a little too much.