
morning sickness ツワリ

I am now in the sixth month of pregnancy. My sickness was getting better finally. It was terrible until last month-I was sensitive to the every kinds of smells and felt scared of going out, and once in a while, I threw up. Compared with the worst pregnant women who rarely drink water and stayed at hospital, my sickness was relatively average, but still I felt inconvenience here and there.

For a few days after the first visit of women's hospital, I only knew the word, morning sickness, but I thought it would be much later,

But three days after the medical check, I noticed some change. I became sensitive to fish smell and began to feel sick at the shopping,,,

and two more days after, when we went to accommodation hunting, I felt terrible sick about the smell of middle aged men in the train. I asked my partner to change the truck. On the next truck, I found another middle aged man smelling bad. It was not their fault. I just became too sensitive. But after that day, I was so scared of boarding the train alone. My activity was getting limited.

Many says, "pregnant women change the taste and prefer sour food" and I first wanted to drink grapefruit juice and orange juice. I drank 1000cc pack for a few days. I bought another but I throw up next glass of juice. Then I did not want to smell it. I even do not want to think about it. I left those remain of "my favorite food few days ago but now I do not want to think about it any more."

I love to cook and eat originally. So it was terrible change for me. Every food was tasteless and I felt boring about living. Psychologically I became weak and cried. I tried to solve the problem and looked up the function of morning sickness. I found it medically still unsure why the morning sickness occurs. One idea is that hormone to keep pregnancy effected on the stomachache. Sickness does not happen only to human being but also to animals. This sickness is thought that stops mothers to move like ordinal days, and avoid the miscarriage.

Doctor said that babies take nutrition they need even mother cannot eat well by sickness. I was relieved to hear that.

I noticed one thing to see the baby got twice bigger every time of medical check. In other word, "the baby took my nutrition from me like an alien. Only baby is always fat and healthy! In English, they call baby parasite. I am just amazed about the vitality of the baby.

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