
Silly Couple with Wild Duck バカップル with 鴨

When my husband and I started to date, he was devoted on wild duck family at the pond near his office. Every day at the lunchtime, he was alone watching them.
Many times, he emailed me about those wild ducks. He counted the number and told me. One day he attached the photo,,,
The photo looked like almost nothing but cage. I wonder what kind of photo it was. Carefully looking, I found sesame sized three black things.They were ducks,,,
On our third date, he brought me that pond and proudly showed me wild ducks. Well,,,they were cute,,,

We went to local restaurant to eat noodle. I looked at the menu and found funny dish. "I order wild duck noodle" He must be so shocked.

そんなショックにもめげず、相方は私と付き合い続け、とうとう結婚してしまった。3月に親戚同士のお食事会を開くのだが、ラトラスという「カモ料理で有名なフレンチレストラン」ですることにした。私って、やっぱりちょっと、黒いのかなあ、、、After this very wild joke, he still did not give up relationship and we got together finally. In March, we will have small lunch with close relatives. I picked up good French restaurant famous for wild duck dishes. Am I a little dark person?

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