My husband and I have been separated for three month for his work. I am now like the wife of long shipping fisherman. 相方は、現在、3ヶ月の研修中。遠洋漁業の漁師の妻気分で、私は身重の時期を過ごしている。 |
Then I make up "time of father and baby" when we call. I put cellphone to my baby for 1 minutes every night. そこで、毎晩、電話をする時に、携帯をお腹に当てて、1分ほど、相方がチビチビと話す時間を作った。 |
Actually I do not know what my husband said to baby. He said "it is our secret." 実際、何をしゃべってるのか、「ないしょ」らしく、教えてくれない。 |
2 件のコメント:
it's in the 6th month of pregnancy when the baby responds with movements to external sounds as your voice, dad's voice, music... ^^
The books say that, and it really happened! Funny things to experience!