
Pregnancy test 妊娠検査薬

妊娠発覚の瞬間の二人の写真が残っている。それは、その場面に、第3者が立ち会っていたためだ。その週末、友人Aは 遠方からうちのアパートに泊まりにきていた。表向きは結婚式出席だが、はげしい夫婦ケンカの末、旦那に子育ての大変さを実感してもらうため、必要より少し長めの滞在をしていた。そこで、私の生理が遅れてる事を聞きつけたAは、「知らずに、帰れない」と言い出したのだ。気のない相方に比べ、やる気満々で、「もし、なにかあったら大変。早めに調べた方がいいんだよ」と力説。彼女自身、妊娠に気づくのが遅れて、無理のある生活をしてしまい、切迫流産を経験してたため、話は説得力もあり、私もこわくなってきて、みんなで調べる事にした。


On that weekend my good friend A came to stay at my apt. She heard the delay of my woman's day and she insisted on the importance to check it earlier for safety of mom and baby. So we decided to check it when three gathered in Sunday morning.

A said,"I cannot leave Tokyo before knowing the result."

Next morning my partner arrived at my apt.

Pregnancy test in public? (I went to toilet while two are waiting outside)

Upside down in front of three faces,,,

Then apparently positive!


I forgot it that A took pictures at the moment. She sent them to us for Christmas. Many couples record the moment of the birth of baby, but not the moment when they found out. We got the record because of the third person was there(it was really rare case) Someday, I want to show our child when he/she grows up and become difficult age thinking of the meaning of life or love or sometimes could not understand parents, he/she might have some hint how we were happy and welcome the arrival. This is the best Christmas present!

two watching the result of the pregnancy test


A said, "There are some women who saw same positive result hopelessly..." It is so true that same result does not always make same happiness to all the women. How the women life is complicated and difficult sometimes. I recognised how happy this positive result was actually positively accepted by my partner and all the people around.