
anti aging adults アンチエイジングおとな

まわりが、婚活シーズンだ。が、うまく行ってる話しは聞いた事がない。話を聞くと、理想が高くて、難しそうだなあ、と感じずにはいられない。それを既婚の女友達と話してて「相手にば かりいろいろ求めて、自分はどんなにいい男(女)なつもりなんだろう?」「大人になれてないんじゃない?年をとる最大のいい所は、自分を知る事だと思うん だけど、、、」と言ってた。的を射ているなあ〜、と感心してしまった。
Many people are looking for their life partners. But I heard no news they found the right ones. Talking with them, I feel that they asked too much for their future partners. My friend said, "do they think how big they are! They must be unmature. The best thing to get old is to know themselves." She was so right.

She continued, "Teenagers thought they know everything in the world. They think themselves as the best woman in the world and they can ask for anything to their partners. It was just because they are young and cute that they are so poplar. They are still empty inside."

It is true that I have lots of "should be" things when younger. The youngers had lots of complex, too. They do not have much inside possesion from experiences yet, so they tend to judge what they have at that time and they are so limited. Appearance, possesion, and their own limited world rules and senses. They think their life is over just because of bold legs. Unfortunately it is destiny of everybody that the youth will disappear. The youth is beautiful, but it is not
more than a part of development.

Of course I missed the youngerhood sometime, but I do not want to go back. I am happier, now. After 20 something, we are in the society and we start to face on what we gain-what we study, what we experience, what we make effort. Now we know the bold legs did not kill our life. We can make our life richer by ourselves-We can make friends, we can do business, we can support somebody and we can love. We know we are still unmature and developing, that's why we accept who the others are. Anyway we ourselves are not perfect.
Anti aging is good as meaning of "keep young, healty energetic." But if it means "not accept getting old" it is the same as unmature. If we live on good life, we should be proud of being older.

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