
営業ナノちゃん Nanoka's workplace visit

普段から、外で人に会うと、「恥ずかしいんだもん」と、隠れてしまうナノカ。Nanoka usually became shy when somebody talked to her outside.

東京でも、「モジモジしてるうちに、話をしてしまえば、なんとかなるかな」と思っていたが、、、I was guessing that she would be shy and I could make business meeting within she was hiding my back.
オフィスの雰囲気は、彼女にとっては、居心地が良かったのか、堂々と大人の話に割って入ってきて、時には、私の営業までしてくれた、、、But actually she was pretty much relaxed about the office atmosphere and she even made business talk about my work saying, "my mom can draw and make stories"
また、名刺交換が、大人のビジネス世界の象徴に見えたのだろうか。Probably she thought that exchange of the business cards was cool,
途中から、名刺入れを奪われ、、、She stolen my name card case saying, "mom was sly since only mom has name cards and did not buy one for Nanoka." I said that I would buy one later for her, but she said she loved that one and it should belong to her.
なぜか、ナノカが交換することに、、、At the end, the card case belonged to her and I was borrowing it from her,,,
I brought Nanoka to Tokyo for my business trip. I tried to make best effort to prepare for all kinds of troubles but it was not enough since it was anyway the city and business did not fit kids. I teared several times and Nanoka was poor girl since she made so much effort to fit the new unfamiliar unusual circumstances but still I scold her several times.
It was just rare and luxury experiences of us, and I remember all her attitude and words funny. I am glad to go there together at this time.

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