
Explain please ご説明願います

「ママが絵本を、おじいちゃんのところに置いてきた」と文句を言われる。Nanoka complained "mom left my book at Grandpa's" I asked, "Which one?"
しかし、クリームが出てくるような、お菓子の絵本は、なかったはず。She said, "Cream one." showing her anger. I did not think we had sweets book with cream.
思い通りにならないと、すぐ泣くナノカ。ちゃんと、もっと言葉で説明せんかい!Soon she got mad and started to cry since I did not get her. I said, "Explain more. No cry!"
少ししてから、「ゆっくり説明して」と、もう一度言うと、話し始めた。全然、お菓子と関係ないなあ、、、In a while, she started to explain. "The old one could not climb down the tree and she helped him,,,," sounded like no cream story,,,Oh!あ!
クリム、て女の子の、お話だった。私の方が、女の子の名前を忘れてた。She was talking about the story of a girl named Crim. I totally forgot about her name.
I fed up with Nanoka's cry. She cried each time when I did not get her talk. It was not easy to understand what she was talking about since she went to the school and we spent the day separately.
I asked her to explain more, but she did not have patience for that. Mom should have understand everything! It was still underdeveloped communication ability but she was not simple like a baby. That made so much trouble.
But also her underdeveloped ability solve the problem and we can make a little bit complicated communication. Days are full of trouble and development.

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