
Pee in Tokyo 東京おもらし

ナノカは、膀胱の容量がまあまあ大きいのか、夜の失敗はしないが、昼間は、まだ、確実とは言えない。In the night, at somebody's bed, we had to make sure not to make any mistake. She was perfect during the trip.
 東京の旅行中、一度だけ、失敗してしまった。それは、、、In the daytime, she did mistake only one time, that was,,,
1日目の日程が終わって、二人とも、ヘトヘトでホテルに着いた。After our first business meeting day, we went back to the hotel room which had a tiny tiny single bed and little space smaller than bed.
荷物もおろしてない、その瞬間に、おもらし。移動に必死で、きっと、忘れてたんだろう。She peed just when we arrived at the room. She even did not take off her bag and jacket.
5日分の二人の衣服と、仕事の資料を持ち歩いているため、靴や上着の替えがない(パンツと服はあるが)。染みないうちに、とにかく、脱がせる。We were on 5 days trip and I limited her changes. So I did not carry extra shoes or jacket. I took her clothes off as soon as possible.
いつもなら、すぐに風呂場に直行だが、安ホテルのため、シャワー室が共同。室外に浴びに行かないといけないので、風呂の準備(私のも)もしなくてはいけない。濡れたままで、「かゆい」と言うナノカ。We usually went to directly to the bathroom when she did mistake, but there were no shower at our room but we shared it, so I prepared to take shower-towel, soap, changes for two etc.
共同シャワー室に行って、二人でシャワーを浴びる。Finally she got cleaned.
ざっとシャワーを浴びて、部屋に戻る。ran back to room
汚れた服を洗いに洗面所に。カバンに入れて、帰ることを考えると、きちんと洗って、乾かさないといけない。put her on the bed and ran back to the sink to wash her pee clothes. I had to dry them before moving since I do not want to carry wet clothes in the bag.
洗って、部屋に戻ると、ナノカが自由に動き回っている。あ!おしっこの場所踏んでるし!I washed them and came back to the room and found her walking around the room, stood on the wet floor,,,
ブチン。そして「おとなしくしててって、ママ、言ったよ。ナノちゃんが、おしっこしたから、片づけてるんだよ。ふまないでよっ」と、キイ〜っと怒ってしまった。"I said loudly, be still here at the bed! I cleaned up what you did. Don't stand on it!"
狭い部屋、不便な施設、非日常、ぜーんぶ、私の事情なのにねえ、、、ごめんね。She apologised and cried. Small room, inconvenient equipment and unfamiliar incidents. All were my business. I felt sorry.
"Don't scold" is the basic rule of toilet training. But it needs patience and effort since it is trouble for the parents.
Nanoka started to wear ordinary underwear at the age of 1 year and 10 months. She had kept failing for 1 years. During the time, I sometimes became irritated when she peed right after I asked her etc.
I think it is not mandatory but "need effort" for the parents "not to scold" It is every day trial. Sometimes the parents also made mistake. But there are next trial.

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