
お家でできる版画 Art time after the school

ローラースタンプを見た時から、やりたくて仕方なかったナノカ。とうとう、チャレンジさせてもらう。スポンジに絵の具を含ませる。Nanoka wanted to challenge the roller stamp at first grant. She tried it finally. First she put paint on the sponge,
コロコロコロ。かなり、楽しいみたい。and put the stamp on that, then rolled over the paper. Fun!
そうして、ベースになる紙を作ってから、ステンシル。After making the base paper, I printed three plate one by one.
3版め。Third one.
It was tiring to play with doing art after the school every day, but Nanoka found all my hand made art supplies and asked to try.
We were tired after 30 minutes art time, but I wish she could enjoyed it.

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