
The Osho-gatsu お正月

お正月の朝。地元のお惣菜屋さんで、2000円のお節を買いました。世にあふれる数万円のお重には当然、劣りますが、基本的な「田作り、なます、昆布巻き、煮豆、栗きんとん、からしレンコン」を網羅していて、わが家には十分。むしろ、伝統的な「お節」らしくて、好感が持てました。かろうじて、いたどり、芋の煮っころがしだけをお重につめて、お雑煮も超シンプルなものに。小家族の食卓ながら、なんとか、ナノカにもお正月を体験させてやれました。Morning dish. I bought Osechi from local shop and I just prepared several vegetable and Mochi soup.
January 1st is the special day in Japan. Oshogatsu is the day of welcoming new year with clean pure mind. We clean the house, prepare the food before that and on the day, we celebrate with closer people. The food is called Osechi. Traditinally, it was prepared beforehand since the house maid got the holiday to go back their hometown. All the foods had meaning of good luck, long life or family success or so. For example, baked beans are "living in a good healty" or so. They might be
おもち、大好き〜。そして、今年もピース。Nanoka likes Mochi a lot.
 Every year many people died of eating Mochi on Oshogatsu. Especially older people swallow Mochi and that stay in the throat-they cannot breathe. Still people eat Mochi. I told Nanoka chew a lot and swallow carefully. No trouble this year.
玄関にしめ縄。マンションでは、この大きさのものを、玄関外に、飾るスペースなし。よくわからないけど、めでたそうなものを、ディスプレーしてみました。Decoration of the entrance. Shimenawa is basically hung at the top of the door to shut out the bad luck, but we do not have the space of the outside. Other stuff are all traditional foods.
ポイントは、この馬です。わが家の、年賀状にも、登場しています。I made this horse( this year is horse year) to make the new year greeting card.
I could not clean the house enough, I still work writing on the cards, and I myself do not clean myself-cut the hair, wear nice or so. But anyway, I am so happy to welcome new year in a healthy with food under the peaceful roof. I wish all the people would receive the peaceful moment with their precious people this year.

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